Macbook Pro LCD Flexgate Problem

My name is Alam Putra Kencana Wangi. In October 2022, I have a flexgate LCD problem on my Macbook Pro.

I try to look for laptop service center for almost a month in Ubud and Denpasar area.

However, wherever I went, they said the same thing which is it can't be repaired. Thus, I need to replace the LCD Monitor.

But, replacing to a new LCD Monitor is expensive.

Until I saw a Mac Service Center on the road, called Pusat Service Macbook. I wasn't sure at first. I just wanted to ask for a second LCD.

But, by their miracle and magic, the technician diagnose my Macbook Pro’s LCD and he managed to fix my Macbook Pro LCD.  

It took less than days. In fact, it took only less than 3 hours.  My Macbook Pro’s LCD returned to normal!!!

I am really amazed by the quality of their work also with their diagnose ability, honesty & the hospitality of their team.

I highly recommend this place. This is purely my story, because I was amazed that my LCD returned to normal!!!!!!

Thank you very much, Pusat Service Macbook's Team!

- Alam Putra

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